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About Face

A storm stirred deep inside, and nobody knew what he could hide. Turmoil and chaos held within, laid in wait after the battles' end. This warrior should’ve received a hero’s death, but instead he destroys all that's left. Empty of faith, void of feeling, nothing was available that could offer healing. Poked and prodded and given the gauntlet, everyone fears the unknown and haunted. But he arose above it all, after receiving a Heavenly call. To serve and protect those in need, began a mission of purpose indeed. To bridge a gap and create a link, between families who fight and those who think. Welcome to the rise of 10 CAN, Inc. - Dr. Matthew R. Burke


Do you believe there’s a cure for PTSD? Neither did we. Until recently, Post-Traumatic Stress was considered the most complex phenomena of the mind. Treatment plans reflected this belief, with overly complex formulas and high doses of medication(s). But the continuous rise in warrior suicides prompted innovative change. In such, 10 CAN was born.


10 CAN, Inc. is the Christian Adventure Network founded by a wounded warrior to serve military and first responder families. We are a nonprofit 501(c) (3) charitable organization designed to save heroes, raise the next generation of warriors, and restore families through the great outdoors. Our focus on outdoor recreation, education, and rehabilitation fosters healing, prevents suicides, and builds community. Our faith-based approach is non-religious and encompasses a fit-to-fight model for the entire family. Spiritual well-being, mental health, and physical abilities establish a diverse and well-rounded approach for our Heroes and their families.


Our simplified solution with dynamic resolve has a 100% success rate in suicide prevention. In his book Saving Heroes, Dr. Burke provides the formula to the working cure. You’ll note that treating the variety of traumatic stresses requires a fitted approach for each warrior. With childhood roots and nature being the main ingredients, it’s imperative that we aim to be proactive in medicine.


We are a church of sorts, using the outdoors as our sanctuary for spiritual healing and growth. Our model of ministry is action driven, adventurous, and often vicarious. Bridging the gap between the Church and Warriors is a vital part of the cure. Faith is the antiseptic for moral wounds. Without it, we’re merely pacifying. The diversity of military and first responder families require a variety of outreach programs. Although Hunting, Fishing, and Survival are our three main programs, we’re not limited in scope of service.


We aim to create purpose-driven, resilient, healthy warriors ready to positively impact their community and country. We empower post-traumatic growth by offering Spiritual Combat Training. The Rite of Passage helps youth draw a line in the sand to mark their transformation into emerging adulthood. Revivals replace retreats because we refuse to run and hide. Disaster and Crisis Response, fields critical needs across the Nation. Agri-therapy teaches to create life, rather than destroy it. And Hoorah Therapy reaches those warriors who don’t benefit from soft therapies (I.E. Yoga, talking, art, etc.).    


We evangelize through action, adventure, and the great outdoors. We believe that a solid childhood foundation equates to effective and resilient adulthood. This is a proactive approach to solving the medical phenomena of PTSD, reducing criminal behavior, and changing the world through our backyard. We enhance the quality of life for our Heroes by bridging the family gap created during combat; empower self-healing through faith and purpose; and develop future warriors who are equipped to handle Secondary Traumatic Stress and Post-Traumatic Stress. While the most effective healing happens at home, it is a strong root system that keeps a tree standing through the storm.


History of Our Name

Divinely inspired, “10 CAN” represents the number of life elements we require to be whole.  Imagine a 10-spoke wheel. If one spoke is broken, the entire wheel is off balance. So goes life. Fortunately, God has given us a checkbox simple solution.



It’s an honor to work with businesses, organizations, churches, ministries, schools, government agencies, and individuals of various backgrounds. We are not bound by political or religious thresholds and reach deep into the heart of communities where others are unable to go. Partnerships allow us to provide our expertise in hosting adventures, while leaning on partners for service referrals.  



To save heroes, raise warriors, and restore families through the great outdoors.



To create a global outreach of volunteers empowered to prevent suicides and heal moral wounds. To develop relationships between Warriors and Jesus Christ. To raise public leaders who are conservation minded, strong in character, and compassionate for one another. To diversify the outdoors with women, youth, and minorities. To give warriors purpose, meaning, and reason. To motivate wounded military and first responder personnel through outdoor ministry. To enrich the lives of children through diversity in the outdoors. To promote impact-driven adolescents through a Wilderness Survival Rite of Passage. And to demonstrate that God is mightier than your storm.



  1. Centralize and consolidate a coalition of service organizations that disabled warriors can easily navigate.

  2. Launch Chapters around the world through churches., military installations, and first responder departments. 

  3. Cure PTSD and prevent suicides.

  4. Defeat hate, corruption, greed, lust, and envy through love, adventure, and world peace.



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